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Renewable Energy for Agri-food Systems: Towards the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement

Environmental News Bits

This report jointly developed by the International Renewable Energy Agency and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations analyses the role of renewable energy in agri-food systems and the opportunity they offer to advance energy and food security objectives as well as contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development… (..)

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Indonesia’s pipeline of coal plants undermines pledge to only build renewables

A Greener Life

Indonesia’s government looks at coal as the cheapest energy source, but ignores the fact that continuing to build these coal plants – and in particular mine-mouth plants – clashes with the country’s commitments under the Paris Agreement. First published in China Dialogue.


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Sounding Green vs Being Green: How to finance sustainability?


The Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the UN Foundation in 2015 not only provide a guideline for an ideal future, but also illustrate the multi-pronged dilemma of emerging economies. Developing countries need renewable energy investments of about US$1.7 ” Energy Policy 140 (2020): 111428.

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Analysis: What’s at stake for India and South Asia at COP26?

A Greener Life

In just over a month, the most important climate talks since the Paris Agreement was signed will decide the fate of global climate action. Five years down the line, countries were scheduled to return to the forum and finalise a rulebook on how to implement the Paris Agreement. By Lou Del Bello. On the agenda at COP26.

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‘La Acción de Cumplimiento’ as a Legal Mechanism to Implement Colombian Climate Change Laws

Law Columbia

Law 1715 of 2014 on non-conventional renewable energy sources. Law 1844 of 2017 on the Paris Agreement. Resolution 40807 of 2018 of the Ministry of Mines and Energy on the Climate Change Management Plan for the Energy Sector. Among the main legal statutes are: Law 164 of 1994 on the UNFCCC.

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Report from COP22: Day 1 in Marrakech

Law Columbia

Over the next two weeks, COP22 will bring together delegates from 197 countries to discuss implementation of the Paris Agreement, reached last December. Ségolène Royal reported the “excellent news” that 100 countries have ratified the Paris Agreement, leading to rousing applause from delegates. In her opening address, Ms.

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Why You Should Care About The Latest IPCC Report | BreezoMeter


Governmental policies established as a result of commitments made in the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement have already successfully prevented the emissions of several Gigatons of CO 2 , targeting deforestation, energy efficiency, new technology deployment, and carbon accounting as their main mitigation efforts.