February, 2021

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Water Warning: The Looming Threat of the World’s Aging Dams

Yale E360

Tens of thousands of large dams across the globe are reaching the end of their expected lifespans, leading to a dramatic rise in failures and collapses, a new UN study finds. These deteriorating structures pose a serious threat to hundreds of millions of people living downstream. Read more on E360 ?.

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Climate Change Adaptation Lessons from Freezing Texas

Environmental and Urban Economics

This blog post will sketch out some optimistic economics 101 lessons for how to reduce the risk of future Texas power blackouts without building a single new power plant. In an economy that features no battery storage technology, a blackout occurs when at the given price of power aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply. Such a shortage can arise on a very cold day if most heating is fueled using electricity and if any of the up and running power generators such as wind turbines reduce their ag


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Shell Held Liable for Oil Spills In Nigeria - Case Comment ECLI:NL:GHDHA:2021:132 and 133

Energy and Climate Law

On 29 January 2021 Nigerian farmers succeeded with their claims against Royal Dutch Shell in two cases concerning oil spills in the Niger Delta from Shell`s pipelines in the villages Oruma and Goi. The conduct of Shell in Nigeria has been subject of debate for decades and the cases raise a number of interesting legal issues. Shell claimed that the leakage from both pipelines, which polluted the fields of the farmers, was caused by `sabotage´of the pipelines.

2021 236
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Leadership Blog Part 12: Weather Forecast - Visibility limited, extremely variable weather pattern with numerous storm fronts expected in 2021

NAEP Leadership Blog

I am not sure how many zoom meetings, webinars or casual conversations I have had over the past few weeks in which a question has been raised about what does the election mean for environmental professionals in 2021. For the past three years, NAEP has been keeping our professionals up to date with Advanced NEPA Workshops, 10 webinars a year, the NAEP annual conferences, Eblasts, quarterly editions of the Environmental Professionals Bulletin, NEPA/Cultural Resources/Biological Resources working g

2021 156
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How to Drive Cost Savings, Efficiency Gains, and Sustainability Wins with MES

Speaker: Nikhil Joshi, Founder & President of Snic Solutions

Is your manufacturing operation reaching its efficiency potential? A Manufacturing Execution System (MES) could be the game-changer, helping you reduce waste, cut costs, and lower your carbon footprint. Join Nikhil Joshi, Founder & President of Snic Solutions, in this value-packed webinar as he breaks down how MES can drive operational excellence and sustainability.

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CEQA Case Report: 2020 Year in Review

Clean Energy Law

Public agencies prevailed in 68% of CEQA cases analyzed. By James L. Arnone , Daniel P. Brunton , Nikki Buffa , Marc T. Campopiano , and Winston P. Stromberg. Latham & Watkins is pleased to present its fourth annual CEQA Case Report. Throughout 2020 Latham lawyers reviewed each of the 34 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) appellate cases, whether published or unpublished.

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2020 was a year like no other. Besides the COVID-19 pandemic, the Black Lives Matter movement came to the forefront because of the death of George Floyd. George Floyd’s final words resonated with most of us… ‘I can’t breathe’… These were not only words but a plea to the rogue police officer kneeling on his neck. A plea for life.

More Trending

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Free Copies of a New Urban Economics Book: Unlocking the Potential of Post-Industrial Cities

Environmental and Urban Economics

I am delighted to announce that my new book Unlocking the Potential of Post-Industrial Cities has just been published. For those who have an active Twitter account, you can request a free e-book by f illing out the form here. We want to encourage people to read the book and to discuss and debate the book's ideas. In a nutshell, our book discusses economic growth and quality of life in six post-industrial cities in the United States that includes Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit, Philly, Pittsburgh

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New Publication: Green and Just? An Update on the `European Green Deal´ Open Access

Energy and Climate Law

A new article has been published open access in the Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law (Ruven Fleming and Romain Mauger `Green and Just? An update on the `European Green Deal´ (2021) Volume 18 Journal For European Environmental & Planning Law 164-180). The article is available for free here and the abstract is displayed in this blogpost.

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Leadership Blog Part 11: Introducing Environmental Professionals Radio (EPR)

NAEP Leadership Blog

NAEP has a podcast and I love it. Environmental Professionals Radio (EPR) is out now, wherever you get your podcasts (please subscribe!). Full disclosure, I am one of the hosts and therefore biased, but I honestly can’t help but smile when I click the Zoom link and start talking to my new friend and co-host, Laura Thorne. Chemistry is something that is impossible to fake and I worried when she pitched the idea to me that we’d struggle to figure that out.

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Economic theory and climate policy

Environment, Law, and History

A recent issue of Nature Climate Change carried an article by Jonas Meckling & Bentley B. Allan, " The evolution of ideas in global climate policy". The abstract: From carbon pricing to green industrial policy, economic ideas have shaped climate policy. Drawing on a new dataset of policy reports, we show how economic ideas influenced climate policy advice by major international organizations, including the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the World Bank, from 1990 to

2017 98
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The Key to Sustainable Energy Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach for Manufacturing

Speaker: Kevin Kai Wong, President of Emergent Energy Solutions

In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of sustainable energy optimization and decarbonization has become paramount. ♻️ Manufacturing corporations across the U.S. are facing the urgent need to align with decarbonization goals while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive energy data poses a significant challenge for manufacturing managers striving to meet their targets. 📊 Join us for a practical webinar hosted by Kevin Kai Wong of Emergent Ene

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There’s a silent epidemic around us: an organ failure epidemic. Public and private hospitals are teeming with patients both young and old with diverse types of organ complications. But such an increase in health challenges are not without cause and for the most part, we lay the blame on lifestyle. Though plausible, some cases beg for more questions since the patients lead a clean lifestyle free of junk food, intoxication and are in many ways active.

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Submarine Permafrost Has Been Overlooked as a Major Source of Greenhouse Gases, Scientists Warn

Yale E360

Scientists have found that permafrost buried beneath the Arctic Ocean holds 60 billion tons of methane and 560 billion tons of organic carbon — making it a major source of greenhouse gases not currently included in climate projections that could have a significant impact on climate change in the longer-term. Read more on E360 ?.

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Take a Stand, Make Decisions Better

Environmental Law Centre

Take a Stand, Make Decisions Better: Alberta Court of Appeal reboots standing test of the Alberta Environmental Appeals Board Normtek Radiation Services Ltd v Alberta Environmental Appeal Board, 2020. The post Take a Stand, Make Decisions Better appeared first on Environmental Law Centre.

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Poor Swelter as Urban Areas of U.S. Southwest Get Hotter

Science & Climate

Poor Swelter as Urban Areas of U.S. Southwest Get Hotter. Unequal Burden Also for Latino Communities. featured image by Getty. Acres of asphalt parking lots, unshaded roads, dense apartment complexes and neighborhoods with few parks have taken their toll on the poor. As climate change accelerates, low-income districts in the Southwestern United States are 4 to 7 degrees hotter in Fahrenheit — on average — than wealthy neighborhoods in the same metro regions, University of California, Davis, rese

2018 83
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Implementing D.E.J.I. Strategies in Energy, Environment, and Transportation

Speaker: Antoine M. Thompson, Executive Director of the Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition

Diversity, Equity, Justice, and Inclusion (DEJI) policies, programs, and initiatives are critically important as we move forward with public and private sector climate and sustainability goals and plans. Underserved and socially, economically, and racially disadvantaged communities bear the burden of pollution, higher energy costs, limited resources, and limited investments in the clean energy and transportation sectors.

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Supreme Court Punts on Important Arbitrability Question

The Energy Law

On January 25, 2021, the United States Supreme Court dismissed, as “improvidently granted,” a writ of certiorari it had previously granted on a petition asking it to consider “[w]hether a provision in an arbitration agreement that exempts certain claims from arbitration negates an otherwise clear and unmistakable delegation of questions of arbitrability to an arbitrator.

Law 76
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The ecology of economic thought

Environment, Law, and History

I've been participating in a great online series on the historical intersections of economic and environmental thought , organized by Troy Vettese and Julia Nordblad. The organizers write: One would think that environmental history and economic history would be peas in a pod. After all, central questions in the history of economic thought concern environmental issues such as the early-modern enclosures and the importance of water-power and coal to the industrial revolution.

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I once stumbled upon a sterling article by Dr Festus Mwangi highlighting the plight of children living with cancer. Though it was written in 2017, its message still resonates audibly with me. Not only did he highlight about the increase in instances of childhood cancers but also about the lack of awareness especially among the poorest of the poor. More often than not, parents assume symptoms and dismiss them for minor infections only for the discovery of a tumor to be made when it’s too la

2014 100
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One-Third of Farmland in the U.S. Corn Belt Has Lost Its Topsoil

Yale E360

More than a third of farmland in the U.S. Corn Belt — nearly 100 million acres — has completely lost its carbon-rich topsoil due to erosion, according to a new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The loss of topsoil has reduced corn and soybean yields in the Midwest by 6 percent, resulting in a loss of nearly $3 billion a year for farmers, and increased runoff of sediment and nutrients into nearby waterways, worsening water quality.

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Shaping a Resilient Future: Climate Impact on Vulnerable Populations

Speaker: Laurie Schoeman Director, Climate & Sustainability, Capital

As households and communities across the nation face challenges such as hurricanes, wildfires, drought, extreme heat and cold, and thawing permafrost and flooding, we are increasingly searching for ways to mitigate and prevent climate impacts. During this event, national climate and housing expert Laurie Schoeman will discuss topics including: The two paths for climate action: decarbonization and adaptation.

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7 reasons why your neighbors junk car collection must go

Stack Environment

You probably have some junk lying around your house. Maybe there is an appliance or piece of furniture you intend to fix or an old broken heirloom you think may still have some value. Maybe you have worthless items you just aren’t sure how to get rid of or potentially toxic substances that may need special handling for disposal. As frustrating as those pieces of junk may be to you in your own home, the sight of your neighbor’s growing collection of junk cars may be even more upsetting.

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Change Leadership Means Being Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Eco Coach

Recently, I was speaking with some individuals who wanted to support their organization in going green at work but found it hard to get buy-in from their colleagues. We brainstormed multiple ways that they could create change, how to position their project so that it could be best received, and addressed some of the mindset shifts required in order for them to succeed with their project.

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Migratory Birds Track Climate Across the Year

Science & Climate

Migratory Birds Track Climate Across the Year. featured image by Jonathan Eisen. As climate change takes hold across the Americas, some areas will get wetter, and others will get hotter and drier. A new study of the yellow warbler, a widespread migratory songbird, shows that individuals have the same climatic preferences across their migratory range.

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Alberta’s Agricultural Lands: A Policy Toolbox for Moving from Conversion to Conservation

Environmental Law Centre

Alberta’s Agricultural Lands: A Policy Toolbox for Moving from Conversion to Conservation Now Available:Alberta’s Agricultural Lands A Policy Toolbox for Moving from Conversion to Conservation. The post Alberta’s Agricultural Lands: A Policy Toolbox for Moving from Conversion to Conservation appeared first on Environmental Law Centre.

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Sustainability at Retail

Sustainability impacts every nation, company, and person around the world. So much so that, in 2015, the United Nations (UN) issued a call for action by all countries to work toward sustainable development. In response to this and as part of a global Sustainability at Retail initiative, Shop! worked collaboratively with its global affiliates to address these critical issues in this white paper.

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Rare Earth Metal Theft by Catalytic Converter

Greenbuilding Law

The theft of catalytic converters to sell for the value of the rare earth metal components is a thing once again. A catalytic converter is a component part of the exhaust system of a fossil fuel motor vehicle that catalyzes, or accelerates the break down of vehicle emissions making them less harmful. The catalyst of a catalytic converter is usually Platinum (Pt), Palladium (Pd), and Rhodium (Rh).

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Why Drilling the Arctic Refuge Will Release a Double Dose of Carbon

Yale E360

In the renewed debate over drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, one troubling impact of oil development has been overlooked: Disrupting the annual caribou migration will have a profound effect on the soil and release even more greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. Read more on E360 ?.

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EHS Strategy Infographic – Applying a Strategic Approach to Your EHS Programs


Our EHS Strategy Infographic shows you how to move from a traditional, tactical and compliance-based approach to a strategic EHS focus. This shift can help you optimize your initiatives to build for the future, reduce operational costs, gain stakeholder buy-in, and plan for organizational growth. The post EHS Strategy Infographic – Applying a Strategic Approach to Your EHS Programs appeared first on Capaccio Environmental Engineering.

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Trends in commons scholarship

Environment, Law, and History

More on (transatlantic) commons scholarship : The editors of the International Journal of the Commons (Frank van Laerhoven, Michael Schoon, Sergio Villamayor-Tomas) just published an interesting quantitative review of commons scholarship over the last five decades, "Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Ostrom’s Governing the Commons: Traditions and Trends in the Study of the Commons, Revisited" There are interesting statistics and tables on journals, citations, disciplines, and more.

2007 52
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Louisiana Appellate Court Affirms Summary Judgment in Asbestos Case

The Energy Law

On February 3, 2021, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal affirmed a trial court’s ruling that granted a summary judgment motion finding plaintiffs failed to submit specific evidence of asbestos exposure necessary to create a genuine issue of material fact. Steib v. Lamorak Ins. Co., et al. , 20-0424 (La. App. 4 Cir. 2/3/21). In 2018, Charles Steib (“Mr.

Law 52
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Can We Have Sustainability and Eat Beef Too?


Guest Post By Kristin Davis, 2020-2021 Sustainability Leadership Fellow and Ph.D. Student in the Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology and the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology Have you ever tried an Impossible or Beyond Burger? Both are recent attempts to create a “meat-like” but vegetarian alternative to beef hamburgers. And while there are many reasons people choose not to eat meat – from personal to ethical to medical and beyond – one I have heard a lot is that we as indivi

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An Ag Data Checklist for Evaluating Carbon Platforms


The market is buzzing with carbon reduction platforms designed to pay farmers for following established carbon reduction protocols. Indigo Ag, ESMC, FBN, Bayer/Climate Corporation, Nori, and Nutrien are just some of the players in these new carbon reduction platforms for row crop and grain farmers. Livestock producers are also seeing changes in how they produce proteins driving by the buyers of these commodities.

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An Illicit Trade in Brazil Is Sending Tiny Songbirds to Their Deaths

Yale E360

Thousands of saffron finches are being snatched out of South American forests and sold in Brazil for use in brutal, illegal fighting rings. Lax wildlife laws have made it difficult for authorities to crack down on the lucrative trade, leaving traffickers and ring runners undeterred. Read more on E360 ?.

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Principles of International Law and the Adoption of a Market-Based Mechanism for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Shipping: New Sabin Center White Paper

Law Columbia

Achieving the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting warming to “well below” 2°C above pre-industrial levels requires urgent and serious steps to reduce greenhouse gas. Shipping currently makes up nearly 3% of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG) released worldwide, and those emissions are on track to increase. But the transnational nature of the industry makes it difficult for any state to address the issue alone, and little has been done at the international level to either force or incentivize sh

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Juergensmeyer and transatlantic commons scholarship

Environment, Law, and History

We've written before ( here and here ) on Julian Juergensmeyer as an early scholar of environmental law in the United States. The Journal of Comparative Urban Law and Policy recently published a Festschrift in his honor, including an article by Becky Jacobs, "Professor Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer's 'Impact': Scholarly, Theoretical, and Practical". Jacobs notes the influence of Juergensmeyer's "The Common Lands Concept: A 'Commons' Solution to a Common Environmental Problem" (co-authored with Jam