Sat.Nov 09, 2024

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PA Oil & Gas Weekly Compliance Dashboard - Nov. 2 to 8 - 8,800 Gallon Shale Gas Wastewater Spill; Failure To Comply With Plugging Order; Spills, Releases, Gas Leaks

PA Environment Daily

NOTE: This week’s Compliance Dashboard adds two new features-- spreadsheets showing all the violations DEP posted from November 2 to 8 and all 753 inspection entries from the week so readers get a better idea of the magnitude of inspection work going on. The individual descriptions of violations highlighted here were made shorter because the growing number of violations was making the Dashboard articles very long.

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Saturday PA Environment & Energy NewsClips - 11.9.24

PA Environment Daily

“The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvania's public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people.” - - Article I, Section 27 Pennsylvania Constitution [It’s Not A Suggestion] House Voting Schedule -- November 12, 13

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PennVEST Now Accepting Applications For Chesapeake Bay Watershed Clean Water Procurement Program

PA Environment Daily

The PA Infrastructure Investment Authority is now accepting applications for the Clean Water Project Procurement Program. The deadline to apply is March 5. The goal of the program is to improve water quality in the Commonwealth through the purchase of verified nutrient (nitrogen/phosphorus) or sediment reduction resulting from the installation of best management practices that are effective and practical to manage nutrient and sediment to protect surface water and groundwater, with the goal of h