New Study Finds Climate Change Exacerbates Neighborhood Smog
Union of Concerned Scientists
SEPTEMBER 15, 2021
This groundbreaking report is important for three main reasons: impact, scale, and attribution.
Union of Concerned Scientists
SEPTEMBER 15, 2021
This groundbreaking report is important for three main reasons: impact, scale, and attribution.
Legal Planet
SEPTEMBER 30, 2021
Today, climate change is the central, though by no means the only, concern in environmental law. I found only one relevant reference using the term “climate change” before 1985. In one sentence of a 1975 article, John Barton referred to “climate change” as a potentially severe long-term problem.
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Union of Concerned Scientists
APRIL 20, 2023
Multiple lines of analysis make clear that regardless of how cheap wind and solar power get, without directly addressing pollution from coal and gas plants, the country’s clean energy transition will not happen fast enough. Section 111 of the Clean Air Act constrains how EPA sets standards—but gives states wide latitude in implementation.
Legal Planet
AUGUST 22, 2023
States and local air quality regulators have the legal authority to set particulate matter (PM), ozone, and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions standards and adopt regulations for these pollutants when they are already in attainment of the national ambient air quality standards ( NAAQS ) set by the U.S.
Clean Energy Law
NOVEMBER 25, 2019
The South Coast Air Basin includes portions of Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties and all of Orange County, covering 6,745 square miles. The SCAQMD is the local agency responsible for attaining these clean air standards in the Basin.
Vermont Law
FEBRUARY 24, 2014
Every year, about 200,000 Americans die from smog, which is a mix of ozone and fine particulates (PM. The Clean Air Act (CAA) regulates smog, setting National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ozone and PM. Many cities in the Northeast fail ozone and PM. and ozone NAAQS in any other state.
Law Columbia
JULY 6, 2017
Each month, Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP (APKS) and the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law collect and summarize developments in climate-related litigation, which we also add to our U.S. climate litigation charts. and non-U.S. filed June 5, 2017; emergency motion for stay granted July 3, 2017).
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